The Formance Design and Supply Process

Formance Design Process

The process for designing with Formance should be familiar to you as it follows similar steps to framed construction. A flow chart of the below is in the Design Guide. 

1.  Firstly, determine the demand (loads on the actual project).
2.  Using the project demands, choose the correct roof panel, based on the roof panel span.
3.  Knowing the roof framing plan project and loads, select the wall panel.
4.  Select the cap plate type for each wall.
5.  Bracing design can be done next, following wall type selection. This is done in accordance with the determined loads and as per NZS3604:2011.
6.  Specify min. fixing for cladding and roofing.
7.  Specify the lintel type and span.
8.  The overall design process may take some time. It is recommended the Design Checklist is referred to as a final review, to ensure all steps have been completed.

The Design Checklist is a requirement for a building consent; to download a blank template click here. 

Formance Supply Process

The main difference in the overall supply process is our Design Freeze step. You could think of this as a freeze on items required for building consent. Because the panels are accurately cut in the factory specifically for your project we need to ensure things don't change hence the term "design freeze". Yes, as a designer you have permission to blame Formance for enforcing a no-more-changes-step with your clients! This can be an advantage as it lets you finalise things possibly earlier than you might have otherwise. 

Download the Design Freeze form here.

An overview of our process is below.

FMC0006 Formance Design Process Flyer Update v2 FA 2



You can think of the 3d modelling step as a buildability audit. We take your inputs, and model them in 3d for the purpose of checking the panels can be manufactured. We will have questions for you when we do the model. Note this can take longer than 2 weeks depending on what we find when we create the model.

 When you get to the Design Freeze we will ask you for the following:

  1. Confirmation of design freeze (consented plans usually)
  2. dwg files of your design
  3. pdf copies of your consent drawings
  4. Any engineering design files for the project
  5. A copy of our consent checklist (found in the Design Guide)

As with any prefabrication technique the best plans are the most resolved!


Want to discuss your project? Get in touch here.

Looking for a builder? Check out our build partners around the country

Have a plan to price? Upload it here.