10 - CodeMark Certified Formance System
Technical Bulletin #10
Created 27/10/21
Download FTB010 - Formance CodeMark Certified System
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About CodeMark
CodeMark is a voluntary scheme for a product manufacturer to demonstrate compliance with the NZ Building Code.
CodeMark is an unchallengeable form of product assurance. Building consent authorities (BCAs, usually councils) must accept a product certificate as evidence of compliance with the Building Code, as long as the product is used in accordance with the use and limitations defined on the certificate.CodeMark is suitable for any building product but is particularly beneficial to manufacturers and suppliers of products that are innovative, new to the market or would have serious consequences if they failed.
Some manufacturers and suppliers may find alternative or less stringent levels of assurance, (such as product technical statements (PTSs) or independent testing) are enough for building products that are already well used and accepted in the New Zealand building industry. For new (to NZ) technology like Structural Insulated Panels it’s important that the highest levels of assurance be provided to industry to give confidence.
Behind the Formance Design Guide is a large body of information that is reviewed by independent and suitably qualified professionals as part of achieving the CodeMark certificate. This information includes confidential test reports, assessments and where deemed appropriate by the certifier, PS1s and other engineering statements.
The CodeMark Scheme is audited by JAS/ANZ and regulated by MBIE.
Formance have trained consenting teams from councils across NZ in the application of the Formance CodeMark and Design Guide to building projects. Building consent officers across NZ agree that the CodeMark system makes their jobs easier by providing a straightforward path to compliance as an alternative solution.

Gaining and obtaining our certification.
Gaining CodeMark Certification involves a rigorous investigation into the product and the systems behind it, including the manufacture and installation. Regular audits by authorised third parties ensure the requirements of the scheme are adhered to. Requirements that include the need to have a full quality system in place. A CodeMark certificate doesn’t just cover the product performance but also ensures the company behind the product has the systems and measure in place to consistently deliver a system that that meets the performance requirements of the certificate. A company with CodeMark must be able to demonstrate an effective quality system based on ISO9001, which is subject to scrutiny by the auditing third-party.
The scope of the Formance CodeMark certificate
It is important to understand the level of the CodeMark system in the New Zealand Building Code (NZBC) environment to have confidence in the Formance Design Guide that it is covered in its entirety as a pre-engineered system within the CodeMark scheme.
Specific Engineering Design is only required for items that fall outside of the scope of the certificate. For everything covered within the certificate, no additional engineering justification is needed to demonstrate compliance with the NZBC for the code clauses referenced.
The Formance CodeMark certificate provides designers with confidence that they are using a proven and certified system for their building consent application.
View the current Formance CodeMark Certificate here.
Misuse of the Formance CodeMark
The Formance CodeMark system can only be presented in a building consent application to support the use of the Formance system in the application.
Use of the Formance CodeMark certificate or any related materials to justify compliance for any other product outside of the Formance brand is a breach of the CodeMark system and Method Building Systems will not hesitate to take action to protect its intellectual property.
Endorsed & supported by product certification body Bureau Veritas.